Johan Cross Era (930-1890)
Turning a New Page (930-1590) The life of Lord Page, and his impact on Jakob Pettersohn |
Heads You Lose (1605) Mourning for his lost mentor, Jakob goes for a walk in the woods. Not wise when you have wings. |
Niall's Story (1687) [Hiatus] Niall Cartwright grows up in a rough district (Nearly complete, but on hiatus) |
Strange Bedfellows (1687) Lord Cross is visited by someone even scarier than he is |
Red Valentine (1790) Neremath and his young wife are visited by thieves |
Emily (1890) The adventures of a snow leopard warrior in Victorian-era Furrae |
The DMFA Era (1960-1990)
A Walk in the Woods (1960) Jakob goes for another walk in the woods, but with 350 years more experience |
Critical Mass (1980) Jakob goes to church, only to have trouble follow him |
Dark Angel (1985) Jakob poses as an adventurer to film an interview, and promptly goes on an adventure. |
The Harvest (1989) Aisha DeCabre goes hunting demons |
Innocence, Guilt and Change (circa 1990) Aisha DeCabre finds herself getting drawn into more intrigue |
DMFA (circa 1990) [Ongoing] By Amber Williams. Not my comic at all, but the setting is derived from it. Project Future is kind of a DMFA fanfic that grew into its own thing. |
The Project Future Era (2140-)
Project Future (2140-2141) Long thought dead, Jakob has actually been engaging in forbidden research. This was the main story, and runs for 59 chapters or about 664 pages. |
The Tuppenny Man (2141) Niall is kidnapped. This happens near the end of the Project Future comic (and was originally chapter 58) |
The Axeman Cometh (2141) While the events of Project Future take place, Illiath is sent to execute some people in a medieval backwater |
Fishing Trip (2157) A young incubus goes on a fishing trip with his father |
To Catch a Demon (2164) Jakob finds true love, if he can stop them being executed |
The Epsilon Project (2165) [Ongoing] The sequel to Project Future, and currently the front-page comic. Ongoing but is likely to run for about 65 chapters. |
Dark Lord Rising (2165) A bunch of misfits go on a quest rather like Lord of the Rings, but with a bit more car theft. |
The Bounty Project (2170) This shorter story explores how the adventuring industry adatps to the information age. (ongoing story as of this writing) |
I, Panther (2170) Niall has to employ robopsychology on a wayward cyberjaguar |
Zeta takes a Trip (2170) [Ongoing] Zeta is called upon to rescue an ancient realm |
Xerian (2173) [Ongoing] Xerian the Synth finds himself in a horribly violent world (ongoing story as of this writing) |
The Book of Tenets A companion and reference guide rather than a story, it doesn't really have a time period, but the documentary was filmed in 2165. |
Short Stories [Updates Randomly] A collection of whimsical short stories, mostly set in the Project Future era. Updates randomly. |